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Portal Realty -

Last update: 05 April 2024.

Portal Realty

�Portal Realty - Why Choose PORTAL REALTY MANAGEMENT RIGHTS SPECIALIST - 1. Experts in both local and overseas markets 2. 20+ years of MR experience in both onsite operation and sales 3. Free FOR-RENT and FOR-SALE Ads on 20+ websites + high commission split on Unit Sale for Onsite Managers 4. Competitive Commission Rate and Free ad for your MR Business 5. 100 + MRs and Motels sold recently

Main Contact: AMY FAN
Mobile: 0494047...
Office: (07) 2139 8...
Fax: (07) 3102 1388

Street Address:

Hubner Road Park Ridge , 4125 Australia

Postal Address:

135 Hubner Road Park Ridge QLD 4125 Australia

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